
Employers Traineeship Interest Form

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Funded Traineeships allow employers like you to offer valuable work experience and you can receive £1000 for each person you support (up to 10 trainees*).

To find out more, enter your details and we will be in touch.



The Benefits

  • Help the next generation to secure an apprenticeship or employment
  • Experience an individual before offering them a role
  • It's a 10 week programme run mainly through remote sessions
  • We will manage everything, including the recruitment and training

All you need to do is provide a minimum of 70 hours of work experience and provide feedback or even better an interview on completion.

*There is no cost to you! In fact you will receive £1000 for every person you support (up to 10 per 9 regions).

The Apprenticeship College Limited | 258 Harrow Rd London, W2 5ES
UKPRN Number: 10047111 | Company Number: 09188248
Registered office: 10 Queen Street Place, London, EC4R 1BE
A Quantet Group Company

The Apprenticeship College is fully recognised by the Education and Skills Funding Agency and is listed on the Register of Apprenticeship Training Provider (RoATP).

Our website terms and conditions, privacy, cookie and equality policies are available here